Hi fellow Clinical Informaticists, CMIOs, CNIOs, #workflow gurus, and other #HealthIT friends,
How do you say 'Lumbar Puncture' in CPOE? Today, I'm writing to share the translation of one of the oldest, most common medical procedures that's routinely done in modern healthcare : The lumbar puncture, sometimes referred to as an 'LP'.
Lumbar punctures (LPs) are routinely performed to help look for infections, look for malignancy, and look for antibodies and other markers of neurologic disease. While they are a common mainstay of modern healthcare, building them electronically can be quite a challenge.
Want to reduce clicks when ordering your LPs? It helps to first have a solid understanding of the most common LP workflows in healthcare, so you can build your order sets with the most common studies, priorities, indications, and order statuses all properly built and correctly defaulted.
So in this post, I figured I'd share some secrets about the four most common lumbar puncture workflows, and how to build them into an EMR, in a really gourmet fashion - for the best diagnostic yield, fewest clicks, and maximal success.
Lumbar punctures are commonly done for diagnostic purposes, but can also sometimes be done for therapeutic purposes. But as it turns out, the LP is not just one workflow - It's actually four different workflows :
In each of these scenarios, there are different clinical specialties using the LP, commonly for different purposes :
- In workflows #2 and #3 above, there is a often a communication challenge between the ordering provider and the Interventional Radiologist, who has to collect, label, and transport the samples to the lab, and also report back some findings to the ordering provider (e.g. opening pressures, turbidity, etc.)
- In workflow #3 above, there is also sometimes a patient education challenge, whereby the patient needs to come before the scheduled IR LP to have 'pre-procedure' labs drawn (e.g. CBC, BMP, PT/INR) to help ensure that the LP can proceed without problems.
Given the above workflows, the physician specialties most commonly involved with lumbar punctures then include :
- Emergency Medicine
- Inpatient Physicians - Pulmonary/Critical Care (Intensivists)
- Inpatient Physicians - General Inpatient Medicine (Hospitalists)
- Interventional Radiologists (IR)
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Infectious Disease Physicians
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - General
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - Movement Disorders
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - Multiple Sclerosis
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neuro-ophthalmologists
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Hematology/Oncologists
If we include :
- the Registered Nurses (who have to help care for the patient before/after lumbar punctures),
- the pharmacists (who help provide the medications the provider has ordered for sedation/anesthesia)
- the laboratory workers (who receive the fluid, provide the on-site analysis of certain labs, and send out other labs to external labs)
- the IT/Informatics workers (who connect with stakeholders, map the current state, and work with the clinical stakeholders to design, build, and test the future state)
- Emergency Medicine Providers
- Inpatient Physicians - Pulmonary/Critical Care (Intensivists)
- Inpatient Physicians - General Inpatient Medicine (Hospitalists)
- Interventional Radiologists (IR)
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Infectious Disease Physicians
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - General
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - Movement Disorders
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neurologists - Multiple Sclerosis
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Neuro-ophthalmologists
- Ambulatory/Inpatient Specialists - Hematology/Oncologists
- Nursing - Interventional Radiology
- Nursing - Floor/Bedside
- Nursing - Clinics
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Clinical IT/Informatics
With regard to the actual laboratories, it's helpful to keep in mind that workflows #1 and #2 are general-purpose LPs, usually for the emergent ruling out of CNS infection. It typically doesn't get much more complicated than that. So for Inpatient/ED purposes, the most common studies include :
- CSF Cell Count and Differential
- CSF Gram Stain and Culture
- CSF Protein
- CSF Glucose
- (Occasionally CSF HSV PCR, if clinically indicated)
So now you're faced with the question - One order set, or four order sets?
If you do one order set, you'll probably end up needing to stratify them (with radio buttons!) into the four different workflows, e.g. :
Or, more likely for operational, culture, and other EMR configuration reasons, you may end up with four different order sets - In which case you will want to choose your naming convention very carefully, e.g. :
Hello Dirk,
Great thread! From a peds perspective, also need to consider LP’s done as an “add on” while the child is in the OR or getting a procedure done. Or for intra thecal chemo. This is usually done by the oncologist. There needs to be communication between the OR and the oncology team for both scheduling and notification. And then for the correct labels to be printed and sent to the lab.
Great work.
Dr. Karim Jessa
CMIO Sickkids
Thanks Karim!
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