Sunday, May 1, 2022

Applied Clinical Informatics Progress Bar Video

Hi fellow CMIOs, CNIOs, and other Applied Clinical #Informatics friends,

I recently put together a quick animation, help tell the story of Applied Clinical Informatics in a short (2 minute 38 second) YouTube video.

There's not much to say, other than it frames one potential journey - from beginning to end - and the progress that eventually leads to improved engagement, improved usability, improved return-on-investment, and most importantly - improved patient care.  

At the end, the bar suddenly returns to the very beginning - Letting the viewer consider their own journey. 

Feel free to share with anyone who's looking to better understand the Applied Clinical Informatics journey, and the many benefits it (and #BlueprintsBeforeBuild) can bring. 

Remember - This blog is for academic and discussion purposes only - Your mileage may vary!
Have any experience from your own journey that you would like to share? Feel free to leave in the comments section below!

1 comment:

Paul Seville, MD, MBI, CPHIMS said...

Hard part is step 2….recognizing need for applied informatics.