Sunday, February 23, 2020

Developing Communication and Education Strategy for Providers

Hi fellow CMIOs, CNIOs, #ClinicalInformatics, and other #HealthIT friends,

A short blog post this month

Provider burnout (including physicians, nurses, residents/housestaff, and APPs) is a real issue, and having both good communication and training strategies can be a real help in making things easier for everyone - both sender and recipient of your many important messages.

So to help reinforce my message about the importance of good workflow design, I took the liberty of adapting my recent post on Signal-to-Noise, Provider Communication, and Provider Education, into this 11-minute video below : 

The animated discussion about signal-to-video is intended only to stimulate discussion about the importance of managing both signal and noise across your clinical spectrum, for front-line providers and other clinical staff who are both on-and-off duty. 

I hope this helps stimulate strategic discussions in your own settings! If you have any helpful communications or education tips, feel free to leave them in the comments section below. 

Remember, the above is for educational discussion only - Your mileage may vary. Always check with your Senior Leadership, Clinical Leadership, Legal/Compliance, and Clinical Informatics teams before considering any kind of strategic changes in your own organization.

Have any helpful tips, suggestions, or feedback? Feel free to leave in the comments section below!