For today, I wanted to continue talking about document management, and share a creative solution I lovingly call the "Poor Man's Document Sharing" strategy.
Now, I generally pride myself on being vendor-agnostic, so please forgive me as I refer to Microsoft's SharePoint, a fairly popular solution to document management woes, although not the only one out there. Again, please note there are plenty of other solutions to this problem, and this is not an endorsement - I'm mainly using SharePoint as a teaching example, so I can explain a particular problem that sometimes plagues healthcare projects.
Anyway, for those of you who don't know what SharePoint (or document sharing software) is, here's a great video that will give you a basic introduction to the problem :
The video really highlights the problems with emailing a document around for discussion and review :
- It doesn't help organize any discussions - It's very hard for a group to see everyone else's feedback.
- It tends to create monologues, not dialogues. (Generally from sender to recipients only, not recipient-to-sender, or recipient-to-other-recipient.)
- It delays the time to developing a good, well-developed, well-reviewed document.
1. Charters (e.g. Committee Charters, Project Charters)
2. Committee Agendas
3. Committee Minutes
4. Project Plans (e.g. Project plans, testing plans, education plans, etc.)
5. Orders
6. Order Sets
7. Policies and Procedures
8. Clinical Guidelines
9. Clinical Documentation
10. Clinical Protocols
11. Staff Education (e.g. Posters, Powerpoints, emails)
12. Patient Education (e.g. Patient handouts)
13. Spreadsheets
14. Notes
... among other documents/tools that you will need to support your mission.
So how you get people to collaborate successfully will depend on :
- How you set up your documents
- How your team uses those documents
- How you manage your projects
The Goal :
To create a standard set of shared folders/documents that your team uses to share ideas and build documents collaboratively.
Ingredients you'll need :
1. An organization with anywhere from 5-500 employees.
2. An organizational computer network with some sort of a shared drive (e.g. the "J: drive")
3. Multiple computers capable of accessing the shared J: drive.
4. A copy of Microsoft Office (2007 or later will do) on each of the computers in #3 above.
5. Some standardized email system that your entire organization uses. (e.g. Outlook)
6. Standardized archetypes of your favorite document types (project plans, policies/procedures, order sets, protocols, guidelines, etc.)
7. A dedicated manager of this solution (e.g. a fearless informaticist) who knows how to hyperlink to a folder and a file.
The Basic Recipe :
1. STEP 1 -
Set up a shared project development folder on your shared J: drive, one that you plan lots of people to be able to use to work together, for example :
J:/shared/Informatics2. STEP 2 -
Create two sub-folders inside this folder :
- J:/shared/Informatics/templates
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects
Inside the J:/shared/Informatics/templates folder, create the following sub-folder:
J:/shared/Informatics/templates/project templates4. STEP 4 -
Inside the J:/shared/Informatics/templates/project templates folder, create the following sub-folders :
- ./Charter - Drafts/
- ./Agendas - Drafts/
- ./Minutes - Drafts/
- ./Project Plans - Drafts/
- ./Policies and Procedures - Drafts/
- ./Clinical Documentation - Drafts/
- ./Orders - Drafts/
- ./Order Sets - Drafts/
- ./Guidelines - Drafts/
- ./Staff Education - Drafts/
- ./Patient Education - Drafts/
Don't forget :
- It's helpful if all of your document templates have standardized filenames, like :
DRAFT - ORDER SET - Standardized Order Set Template - Drafted mm-dd-yyyy.doc
DRAFT - POLICY - Standardized Policy Template - Drafted mm-dd-yyyy.doc
- If you do not have standardized templates yet, consult your friendly neighborhood informaticist for help developing these!)
5. STEP 5 -
Now start developing standardized, shared workspaces for your projects. It helps if you create some standard way of organizing them. For example, you might consider creating the following set of sub-folders, based on speciality, where your teams can actually work together :
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Anesthesia
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Emergency Medicine
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - General
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Critical Care
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Nephrology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Endocrinology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Cardiology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Gastroenterology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Medicine - Infectious Disease
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - General
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - Orthopedics
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - Urology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - Plastics
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - ENT
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Surgery - Podiatry
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Psychiatry
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Pediatrics - General
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Pediatrics - Nursery
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/OB-GYN
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Radiology - General
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Radiology - Interventional
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/Radiation Oncology
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/MULTISPECIALTY PROJECTS
6. STEP 6 -
Give READ/WRITE access to your J:/shared/Informatics folder, to as many clinical directors, chiefs, regulatory staff, quality staff, IT staff, analysts, and other clinical and administrative positions as you can.
This may take some getting used to, especially if you aren't used to that level of collaboration. Remember, that means that everyone you appoint internally will have access to all of your development files, which admittedly carries some risk, but remember -
- These are only DRAFT files.
- This is the "Poor Man's Document Sharing."
Need to work on something big like Med Reconciliation? Create a new shared development folder :
- J:/shared/Informatics/projects/MULTISPECIALTY PROJECTS/Med Reconciliation
- J:/shared/Informatics/templates/project templates
8. STEP 8 -
Now try to focus all of your discussions on the documents inside these folders - If you want your group to work on a particular policy in a folder, instead of sending your team an email with a copy of the drafted policy, send your team a hyperlink to the drafted policy document in the shared folder.
For example, in the following sample email below, I've highlighted the hyperlinks in yellow :
"Hi team,
In our shared project folder :
J:/shared/Informatics/projects/MULTISPECIALTY PROJECTS/Med Reconciliation
... is the shared policy draft :
DRAFT - POLICY - Med Reconciliation Policy - Drafted 10-22-2013.doc
Please click on the above hyperlinks to :
1. Open the drafted policy.
2. Review the drafted policy.
3. Edit the policy, using Track Changes, if you need to.
4. Add or delete comments to the document.
Please review it and add your comments within the next 48 hours. After we collect comments and feedback from the team, we will schedule our next meeting to review the comments and plan for next steps.
Email me with any questions."
... This then allows your team members to, very quickly :
- Receive the email from the team leader.
- Open the document with one click.
- Edit the document.
- Leave their comments.
- Have quick access to help (in case they don't know how to use track changes or add comments, the links about tracking changes, adding comments, and saving a document are all actual links to the Microsoft help pages.)
- Save the document back to your shared folder.
If someone makes a significant edit, again it's very simple to change the filename and have it save back into your shared project folder. I actually recommend people change the filename if they make any significant edits, and if you use this as your filename :
DRAFT - POLICY - Med Reconciliation Policy - Drafted 10-22-2013.doc
then it is very easy to change it to :
DRAFT - POLICY - Med Reconciliation Policy - Drafted 10-23-2013.doc
Unfortunately, it's also very easy for a team member to delete the working draft, or edit it beyond comprehension. To reduce the risk of this, I usually email myself a "SNAPSHOT - WORKING DRAFTS" copy of the drafts in the team's folder, before I send the hyperlinks out to the team.
9. STEP 9 -
Been working for months on a policy? Have six different versions in your shared project folder? People getting lost in the folder? Reduce clutter by creating a sub-folder :
- ./Previous Versions
... and cut-and-paste the older draft versions into the folder. (You might need them for comparison sometime later.)
10. STEP 10 -
Once you have your project's documents well-built, and well-reviewed by all of the required stakeholders, using your standardized templates, in one common folder - it will probably be very easy to get them approved!
IN CLOSING - This "Poor Man's Document Sharing" recipe may not be the fanciest or most elegant solution, but it does make collaboration a much more organized, standardized, efficient and productive process.
It's all about making higher quality documents through better communication, improved standardization, and improved productivity.
Like all the posts on this blog, this is for education, fun, and discussion purposes only - Your mileage may vary. Have you developed other ways of collaborating electronically? Any simple tips/tricks I missed? Send me your thoughts or comments!